military angels in disguise
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My Army adventure!

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Kyles_princess 2nd December 2008, 10:33 am

Kyles about 650 miles from me right now. And who knows where he'll be stationed. But where he is i'll go so i guess it'll be ok. it's just hard dealing with the new relationship through letters. Im so ready for him to be stationed cause atleast then we'll have phones email webcam all that.


Number of posts : 34
Age : 35
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Carlene 2nd December 2008, 10:42 am

yeah that's true. have you guys talked about marriage?

Number of posts : 132
Age : 35
Location : Mesa, AZ
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Kyles_princess 2nd December 2008, 10:47 am

Not yet cause we really havent been dating long at all and he and his fiance just broke up last yeat and it was a really bad time so he's bein very cautious about gettin serious about anybody which kinda sucks cause it feels like an uinfair advantage


Number of posts : 34
Age : 35
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Carlene 2nd December 2008, 11:15 am

yeah that's true. i'm sorry hun =/ you just need to prove to him there are better girls out there!!! and you're the best there is Very Happy

Number of posts : 132
Age : 35
Location : Mesa, AZ
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Kyles_princess 2nd December 2008, 1:22 pm

Well luckly he's known me long enough to know that im completly differently the Victoria. I think he just really got his heart broken and doesnt know how to act yet. I mean i understand we have been "Just friends" for 6 years so it was kinda wierd at first but we've always had crushes on each since we met so its been like this weird realtionship the whole time. I just hope that the stuff they tell those boys in boot aint gettin to him and that would be the reason why he's astin like Then again i think he feels bad cause as soon as we got together he had to leave me. He really felt bad about that but what he dosent understand is that if i didnt want to be with him i wouldnt put up with this military lifestyle that he must be doin something right for me to want to be with him even though he miles and miles away for months at a time.


Number of posts : 34
Age : 35
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Kyles_princess 2nd December 2008, 9:13 pm

Have you ever had one of those days where no matter how hard you try nothing seems to go right? Yea, well thats how my days been. It has just royally sucked ass!! Got up this morning. LATE! got up and got dressed then i didnt have anything clean to wear to work that matched. So jeans and tshirt it was. Not to mention i couldnt find my hair dryer thanks to the redecorating im doing right now. Went to the post office praying for a letter. All i got was the letter i mailed kyle saturday back. Of corse my stupid self was in such a rush that i forgot to put a stamp on it. So now he wont get it for another few days. Sent another one today i hope everything on it was right. I dont know where my brains been. Then got to work and the other girl who has basically the same job as me had to take her daughter to court. So instead of doing just my half i had to do both our jobs at the same time. Which had me running in circles all day. I was so looking forward to drama practice tonight. Drama teams the only reason im still sane Thank God we usually have practice a few times a week helps the days go by faster. Well a few people couldnt come so it was cancled. When i got home i was informed that my parents diddnt have the money to by the paint to finish painting my room. So until i get paid friday it is going to be yellow and primer white and im still sleeping one the couch. WOW! it has been a long day. Wishin Kyle wasnt in OUST so i could call him i just know he'd make it better but i guess i'll just have to suck it up. Welcome to military life. HUH?


Number of posts : 34
Age : 35
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Carlene 5th December 2008, 9:09 am

aww I'm sorry you're having a tough week hun... We all have days like that though so don't worry. you're not alone
What color are you painting your room to?

Number of posts : 132
Age : 35
Location : Mesa, AZ
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Kyles_princess 5th December 2008, 2:13 pm

Well it has a white chair rail halfway down so the top half is light pink and the bottom is dark pink. It matches my bed stuff from target. Its baby blue, light green, and white with little pink roses. Very prissy and very girly. Something i've never been but i thought it was cute. Everybody at lowes wanted to know if i was painting a baby room. Im like nope its my room. As for the long days i got a letter from my honey yesterday and that perked me up a little bit. I love how i wait and wait and then when i finally give up on him writing back for a while a letter shows up. I went to Hallmark at the mall today when i went over to school to finish registering and bought some of the cutest cards to send him! I love doin stuff like that it makes me feel like im helping him get through it. Now if i can only make it until christmas he said he'll get to call so that'll make me feel a whole lot better!


Number of posts : 34
Age : 35
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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My Army adventure! - Page 2 Empty Re: My Army adventure!

Post  Kyles_princess 5th December 2008, 9:16 pm

OMG!!! I GOT A LONG AWAITED PHONE CALL!!!!!!!!! I got to talk to my honey for a whole 10 minutes! OMG! it was so great. He also told me that they were gonna start havin sundays off so id be gettin calls every sunday....Im so excited! WOW! That was just what i needed. He couldnt have had any better timing. It was a great end to a very long week!


Number of posts : 34
Age : 35
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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